So, it occurs to yours truly that I use my blog as more of a journal than a blog. I generally only post when something worthwhile happens...instead of everday. WTF, a blog is supposed to be filled with the mindless shit that makes up my day! Why haven't I been utilizing my poor blog properly? Honestly? I dunno. So, I'm going to fix it! Be prepared for random photo's, updates on what kind of mail I get, and various other shit. I mean, hell, why freakin' not? Blogged with Flock |
& My Life:
Places To Find Me: Contact Me: Blog Stuff: Causes I Support: Fun Stuff: Directories: Sites & Programs I <3: Time: 7:24 Feeling: Listening To: Reading: Eating: Nothing Talking To: Mark "Doing": Hurting Wearing: Jeans & Tanktop Thinking: "Just freakin' breathe, Manda." Quote: "Just when I thought I was invincible, you come and happen to me." - Crossfade, Invincible., My Gaia Character: Friends Blogs & Sites: TooLateToEscape The Blog From Hell Phil's Pointless Banter Paranoid Productions Cost of the War in Iraq
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