+Tuesday, August 15, 2006+
Catastrophe = Epiphany?

So, I've decided to take this little horror story of mine and turn it into something good. I decided to quit bugging over what I lost and just decided "you know what, let's get the shit that was really, really important, and let's just start over."

Some interesting things have happened since. I've decided to quit stressing over my 80billion projects and to just focus on school and one or two things. So far, I haven't really worked on anything but getting stuff for my new toy and rebuilding my music collection.

I spent the past three days re-reading the entire QC archive and rebuilding my music collection. Oh, and obsessing over the new toy...

So what is the new toy?

The z22 Palm

That is my brithday/anniversary present from Adam. Pretty spiffy, huh? (^-^) I've been getting lots of games and ebooks for it, though it hasn't gotten here, yet. (It's out for delivery as we speak! *jig*)

I'm also going to be able to put some of my textbooks on it as well, which will save me some $$. Hurray.

So, anyways...that's what's up. I'm going to be revamping the blog here shortly so that it reflects my personality a little better, yaye.

So anyways, I'm off.

I start school in less than a week.

Adam and I's 3 year anniversary is in two weeks.

My birthday is in like, three weeks.



posted by Manda @ 2:17 PM+

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