Friday MeMe's
Friday Fandango: The results of a 2.4 million dollar research study done to determine the "healing power of prayer" were recently published on the internets. Because of decades long research that went into this study, we now know that prayer has "no effect" on heart bypass surgery patients. Here is the question: If you were on the committee that determines what research projects get funded, what would you choose to spend the 2.4 MILLION dollars on? [On my own note: I read about this study on Reuters Oddly Enough before I saw it on Fandango, and I was really disturbed by it. The more I think about it, the more heartbroken it makes me. Also, I chose B because, while cancer is devestating and I hope we find a cure for it just as quickly as AIDS, cancer doesn't "spread" from one person to another, and frankly, I believe that cancer has a lot more treatment's available than AIDS, and also, whereas cancer can go into remission or outright dissapear, AIDS is forever right now.] Friday Five:
Top 5 On Friday - Week 65 (Wishlist Edition) Top 5 albums you wished you had in your collection (If you want, tell us why you want these albums)
Friday Feast: Feast Eighty Seven Top 5 Friday: What are your Top 5, all time favorite pizza toppings?
Illustration Friday: Theme: Spring |
& My Life:
Places To Find Me: Contact Me: Blog Stuff: Causes I Support: Fun Stuff: Directories: Sites & Programs I <3: Time: 7:24 Feeling: Listening To: Reading: Eating: Nothing Talking To: Mark "Doing": Hurting Wearing: Jeans & Tanktop Thinking: "Just freakin' breathe, Manda." Quote: "Just when I thought I was invincible, you come and happen to me." - Crossfade, Invincible., My Gaia Character: Friends Blogs & Sites: TooLateToEscape The Blog From Hell Phil's Pointless Banter Paranoid Productions Cost of the War in Iraq
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