+Friday, March 31, 2006+
Friday MeMe's

Friday Fandango:
The results of a 2.4 million dollar research study done to determine the "healing power of prayer" were recently published on the internets. Because of decades long research that went into this study, we now know that prayer has "no effect" on heart bypass surgery patients.

Here is the question: If you were on the committee that determines what research projects get funded, what would you choose to spend the 2.4 MILLION dollars on?

  • A. I would have still chosen this project to calculate the "healing power of prayer."
  • B. Finding a cure for AIDS.
  • C. Finding a cure for Cancer.
  • D. Other.. (please note in your comment)

  • [On my own note: I read about this study on Reuters Oddly Enough before I saw it on Fandango, and I was really disturbed by it. The more I think about it, the more heartbroken it makes me. Also, I chose B because, while cancer is devestating and I hope we find a cure for it just as quickly as AIDS, cancer doesn't "spread" from one person to another, and frankly, I believe that cancer has a lot more treatment's available than AIDS, and also, whereas cancer can go into remission or outright dissapear, AIDS is forever right now.]

    Friday Five:
    1. When you were little what was your favorite TV show? Fresh Prince of Bel Air

    2. What was your favorite movie? The Little Mermaid

    3. What is your favorite TV show currently? The L Word

    4. What is the best movie you have seen so far this year? The Corpse Bride (but I havent seen Brokeback Mountain, yet. So keep that in mind.)

    5. If someone was going to make a movie or TV show about your life, who would play you and why? Rosie O'Donnell, because she is an amazing actress who can capture everything from disturbingly happy to extremely caring and comforting to pissed off beyond all reason. I honestly do not think anybody BUT Rosie could play me.

    Top 5 On Friday - Week 65 (Wishlist Edition)
    Top 5 albums you wished you had in your collection (If you want, tell us why you want these albums)
    1. Melissa Etheridge - Yes, I Am.
    2. Journey - Frontiers
    3. Nirvana - Unplugged In New York
    4. Steve Perry - Greatest Hits
    5. The Goo Goo Dolls - Live In Buffalo

    Friday Feast:
    Feast Eighty Seven

  • Appetizer: Name 3 things that you think are strange. A better question would be "Name 3 Things You Dislike", because, frankly, nothing is strange anymore

  • Soup: What was the last ceremony you attended? My cousin's wedding in 2002.

  • Salad: What is one lesson you have learned in the past year? Don't pass up a good thing, because in time, you will regret it more than you can imagine.

  • Main Course: Tell us about one of your childhood memories. I can still remember driving along with my mom when I was around five. She told me that it is okay to make mistakes, because everybody does and if you're truly sorry, it's forgivable. But when you make the same mistake over and over again, then it becomes unforgivable.Those have been some of the most important words in my life.

  • Dessert: If you could extend any of the four seasons to be twice as long as normal, which season would you want to lengthen? I really like Spring, but it's also tornado season and I am terrified of tornadoes. So, Fall. (If I am not in Tornado Alley, that is. If I am, then Winter would be the one that I would extend).

    Top 5 Friday:
    What are your Top 5, all time favorite pizza toppings?
    1. A Special Sausage that only Wal-Mart Deli Pizzas have
    2. Tomatoes
    3. Green Peppers
    4. Mushrooms
    5. Onions

    1. What song can always make you shed a tear or two when you hear it? Melissa Etheridge - Tuesday Morning

    2. What song can always get your feet tappin and your hips sawyin when you hear it?
    3. What movie can always make you cry when you watch it? Armageddon & Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of The Sith

    4. What movie can always make you laugh out loud when you watch it? Pirates of the Carribean

    5. What book brought you to tears more than any other that youve read? Nicholas Sparks - A Walk To Remember (Every time I have ever read it. And that's over 18 times)

  • Illustration Friday:
    Theme: Spring

    posted by Manda @ 10:39 PM+

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