+Sunday, February 26, 2006+

Alright...so I've calmed down since last night. (I mean, can you tell how ticked I was? I couldn't even use proper grammar in most of it.)

Soo..yeah, not much is up. I'm going to be working more on my blog, getting back to poor Teela and Vincent, and just kind of getting back to life once my hard drives are in.

I'm hoping that I'm doing alright in school. I have a feeling that my psychology grade isn't going to be that great. (I've missed 3 out of 6 little weekly quizzes >.< Shit!)

Hopefully I can make up for the lackage of quizzage during midterms & my final. I mean, that's our grade right there, soo..

There honestly isn't any class I shouldn't be doing well in other than that. Soc is Soc and we all know I'm great at it, Chem is a breeze, US History isn't easy, but it's not too hard. Philosophy....is intimidating, but I think I'm doing alright.

Anyways....I'm going to go work on tweaking software and stuff on my comp.



posted by Manda @ 5:28 PM+

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