+Tuesday, January 10, 2006+
AAAH O.O I need to update more!!!!

O.O Hi!! (^-^) Happy Late New Years, and Merry Belated Christmas! (^-^)

Well..wow, there's a lot to catch you all up on. I got some nifty stuff for Christmas, like my Naruto Konaha Forehead Protector, Naruto's Night Cap, a Naruto Coloring Book, 2 Naruto Notebooks (One with Sasuke on the cover, one with the Kyuubi himself), 2 Sets of Naruto Origami, a Shuriken Cellphone/Bag dangler, 4 boxes of Pocky (2 Strawberry, 1 Melon, 1 Yougurt), and bunches of other stuffs. Final Fantasy XI, Super SMash Brothers Melee, um..

Oh, yeah, and the most important thing of all:

My faith back.

Yep. I shut my mouth and took my happy ass back to Christianity. And I gotta say, I'm a lot happier than I've been in awhile. It's nice to be back at a place where I genuinely believe and don't feel so..scattered.

Thank God! (^-^)

Now, don't go thinking I'm suddenly going conservative. Anyone who knew me when I was a Christian years back should know better.

The Spring Semester started yesterday, and 'twas quite exhausting, BUT...it's only 2 days a week. Uber Rawr.

And I got some good news a few weeks ago: I can get my Associate of Arts with a D in College Algebra, but some Bachelor's Degree programs may require me to take the class. But for now, booyah, 'tis done.

So yeah, things are pretty good. I need to get going 'cause I have Philosophy homework to do before tommorow and it's getting late.

Talk to ya'll soon! Oh, I have some nifty stuff to let you guys know about, too (^-^)


posted by Manda @ 10:25 PM+

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