+Friday, July 08, 2005+
I'm on a quest!

A *REAL* quest!!!

Now, anyone who knows me knows I love Neopets, specifically Poogles.

Well, yesterday I got the Neopets Newsletter, announceing that the Neopets Plushies @ McDonalds are BACK this summer! And this time it's a whole new group of Neopets! INCLUDING POOGLES!!!!! *SQUEEEEEEEEL*

I. Must. Have. Them!

So, I'm bribing my Mom to take me to the local McDonalds (half an hour away).....so that I can buy some of the toys....and some happy meals. Woot.

*shifty eyes* I will have them. Oh yes, I will.

Oh, and for any of you who are curious...I do in fact have a Poogle Plushie. I had two. The blue one, and the Faerie one. But, when I came home last summer, Mikey begged and pleaded for the Blue one. He now takes him everywhere. Mikey even got mom to buy him a Cloud Poogle Plushie recently.

*sigh* I need to get the Pink, Blue, & Cloud to go with my Faerie....

Poogles. Weeee!


posted by Manda @ 4:23 PM+

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