+Wednesday, July 06, 2005+

You know, I've thought about it, and comapred to last year, there's not quite that much to tell. On the first day, we went to PrideFest (me, Mikey, & Adam) and had a lot of fun. Mikey really enjoyed being around so many kind people, as did Adam and I, of course. We did some shopping, I talked to a lot of others like me, and also got a free massage! WOOHOO!

We didn't watch any events, and we headed home early do to the heat, and the fact we were pretty tired.

The next day we went with me, Adam, & Mom. We went later in the evening because we'd been up all night taking Mikey to Indiana where his dad was picking him up. We walked around and most, but not all, places were closing up. It was really really cool. Mom bought me some nifty stuff, like a ribbon crown (we got three for the price of two and we stuffed Adam in one! HA!). I got quite a bit of really nice stuff, like some new necklaces, a headband, etc.

Then, we went to eat, and as the Italian Sausage place was closing up, we caught them. They said we could have all the Sausage we liked for free! LOL So mom bought a pack of buns off of them, we filled each bun, woot! We also got a whole pizza for 10 bucks ROFL It was normally 2 bucks a slice!

Gotta love the community...

So...then we hear Ari Gold come on. And that was the show I really wanted to catch. And we headed on over and watched. It was phenomenal. Ari is an amazing performer. I don't want to prattle on too much, but I highly reccomend his CD, Space Under Sun. He has anothe rone I want to get, but I have that one and know for a fact it's great. I'm especially obsessed with "He's On My Team", "Fantastic", & "Bashert". Those are some of the ones he performed and I absolutely *love* them. Space Under Sun is beautiful as well. The whole thing is just awesome. Love Will Take Over is great, but sooo much better live. That's one of the things I loved about Ari ---- he was AMAZING live, unlike most artists these days who use voice dubbing on their CD's and suck live >.<

Anyways....that's what happened, it was l33t hehehe. I could get into every little detail, but it's mostly just....being there that's so wonderful.

The fourth of July was pretty cool, even if I didn't get to set off very much "big stuff" >.<


Yesterday, I got a package in the mail. Actaully, I picked it up from the post office. I've been anxiously awaiting this package since last Thursday.. It's from Ree.

Now, for those of you who don't know, we've been back together since December 31st >.< I could have swore I mentioned that, but I'm not sure..we had a brief bout where Adam asked that we break up because of a miscommunication (We got that all fixed, and those two are pretty good friends now..)

Anyways....my sweetheart sent me some wonderful gifts. Including a Japanese Language Course, complete with tapes on the course, a course book, & a Japanese to English dictionary. He also sent me "The Anime Companion", "A History of Japan", a box of "Special GunPowder" Imported Tea, a copy of the November issue of "The Onion" (It was the packing lol!), a beautiful Purple-leather Collar, complete with Celtic-Style Heart-pendant....(*purr*), his Pentacle ring *blush*, a CD of his X-Japan, Para Paradise, and Weiss Kreuz music, and another CD filled with yummy Hentai pictures (WOOT!)

He's such a sweetheart :) (^-^) I love him so much. *snuggles her Raven and smiles*

Things are going very, very well. :) In other news...

I've went back to Gaia, and am basically obsessed. I've come up with some very cute outfits for my Avatar, and have actually quested to get said outfits. I've had a few donations, and Aijo even let me borrow his Kiki Kitty Plushie.

A friend of Ree's quit Gaia....and gave him all of her things. One of those things was the Elven Ears I'd been trying very hard for, and he gave me those. He also gave me a Bammi hat she gave him, which, I hadn't started questing for, YET, but intended to in the future. Also, Emo Glasses, because he thought they looked sexy on me, and a Red 70's Shirt, because, when he gave me a bunch of stuff to sell for him (Since I have a Market Pass), I tried on the 70's shirt, and he thought it was teh sex. SO...

I have quite a bit stashed in my little inventory. I can change my look to a few different styles, which is nice.

I did earn the money for quite a bit of my things, and getting 1 Pink Giftbox & 1 Enchanted Trunk in the past week helped quite a bit :) Roughly 3,700 gold from the items recieved from those (a coconut bra & a red face veil). I also donated 5 dollars, which got me a Phoenix Circlet and my brother a Bone Helm. I sold the Phoenix Circlet for roughly 4k, as it's *really* not my style.

Selling those items is what helped me finish off the money to get the one item I've wanted since I started Gaia: The Wild Orchid Kimono!

I borrowed roughly 1.1k from Ree (since I'm holding all of the money from the items I sold for him lol), which, I'll have to pay back, but, that's no big thing. (^-^) So, I have a good chunk of "my list". My Rush Bag is the last thing on the list I really am craving, and after that, I think I'm going to work on furnishing my house :)

Here's my avatar at the moment:

KikiKitty Plushie belongs to Aijo (Gaia Name: Kaizeru), who is letting me take care of her for the moment.
Emo Glasses & Elven Ears: Donated by Ree (Gaia Name: Kntmikado), who is an absolute sweetheart.
Black Paint Brush: Donated by Teh Mei, a fellow Literate Spam Guildie.
White Stockings, Ocean Beach Sandals, & Wild Orchid Kimono: Saved for & Bought by Me (Gaia Name: Matdredalia)

Anyways, that's what's up for now!

Oh, I also am playing RO on the AeRO - Nocturna Server with the boys, as well as most of my family.

I also started a new game today, MapleStory, which I've heard a bit about here and there through the Anime Community Grapvine, and signups are finally open now, so me, Ree, and Adam are playing :) It's pretty cute!

Anyways, I'm off for now!


posted by Manda @ 11:17 PM+

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