+Wednesday, August 25, 2004+

Well...hrm. Dylan IM'd me the other night. No suprise. He had me unblocked within a few days. I knew when he said most of that shit he didn't mean it. I know him better than that. He lashes out when he's hurt. If he'd meant half of that, he would have told me a long time ago. I'm not totally stupid.

Given, it stung at first, but within an hour I knew he didn't mean it and I knew that it'd be alright and there was no reason to look ove rmy shoulder.

Sometimes it amazes me how I'm able to really say and mean things like that. I use to really dewell on things and my family use to chew my ass for it. While I still dewll on things, There are some things I'm learning to put behind me.

While I'm sure there was some truth in some wof what he said, I don't believe alot of it. It's not dillusional, it's knowledge. I know him. I know better than that.

But yeah, so we're talking again. *laugh* We're pathetic.

Oh..yeah...she left him. I forgot to mention that. Evil bitch. It's fucking sad what she's done to him. She's torn him apart for over a year. *sigh* And I know just how it feels..

Anyways...I'm going to go. Fricking layout has to be fixxed because of that stupid black bar. Grr.


posted by Manda @ 1:13 PM+

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